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I saw some archived posts on here about being blackmailed on Grindr with someone threatening to post or send your nude photographs to other people. I'm sharing my experience here in hopes that someone else sees this and is reassured/assisted in a way that I could've used. First, I have never heard of anyone in a situation like this actually having nude photos sent to friends or family members -- including myself. You will be fine. Do not send the person money, under any circumstances. I saw someone else post on here that they actually sent the money -- that is never a good idea. You will be fine.
Here's my story:
An individual messaged me on Grindr, asked for face pics, which I sent, and told me that he was in town visiting the local university. His story seemed really normal. We also exchanged nude photos. He asked for my phone number, to text, so that he wouldn't have to use the app at a dinner he was attending with friends. I gave him my number. Shortly after that, I received a text message with a screenshot of my dad's Facebook account, and individual screenshots of direct messages to family members, with my nude photographs attached. He told me to send him a $1000 AmEx gift card or that he would send the photos. He was very pushy and it was clear that this wasn't the same person I had been communicating with on Grindr, as the messages were in broken English. He then repeatedly called me and texted me from different phone numbers. I'm sure he was using an app to spoof the number. I was able to stall him by saying that I was working and could only get a gift card in a few hours.
To say the least, I was very, very panicked, but buying some time was a relief.
In the meantime, I did some research, including on Reddit. I made a vague Facebook post that if any of my friends or family receives a message with photos of me, that it appears someone is using fake photos of me, and to contact me immediately. I also filed a report with the FBI's cyber crimes unit website. I am a lawyer, and took a minute to type up a scary message to respond with. When the extortionist circled back with me at the time I had previously told him I was off work, I sent this message:
I have contacted the FBI and the local police department. An agent from the FBI has your Grindr profile and each phone number from which you have contacted me. I am communicating with them now, and I have put them in touch with Grindr's legal team.
You are committing a United States federal crime, extortion and blackmail, which is codified at 18 USC §§ 873–76.
I have made a Facebook post providing the FBI agent’s contact information to my family and friends, along with instructions that if they receive a message with compromising photos of me, to take records and send it to me and to the FBI.
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I am not afraid of you. I will not be a victim.

If you send the photos, you will be found, and you will be prosecuted. I will cooperate with the police and assist the FBI and the Grindr legal team until you are found. My family and friends know that I am gay, and sending the photos will do nothing other than create digital footprints through which you will be found.
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You will not receive money from me. Every number you contact me with and any Facebook profile you use will be sent to the FBI, to the local police, and to any other authorities I can assist.
Do not contact me again.
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I received a text message back, 'ok sorry' and did not hear from anyone again. No messages or photos were sent. These people want quick money, and if you will prove yourself to cause them trouble, they'll move on to the next person and leave you alone. Feel free to use this message if you might find it useful. Good luck out there, boys. It's a sad world.